
Do you ship internationally?
At this time www.3wlvs.com is exclusively for orders within the U.S. only.

How can I pay for my order?
We accept the following: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club debit and credit cards. We also accept payments via PayPal and Apple Pay. No account sign up is required and it is free.

Cancellation Policy
We do not allow cancellations once the order has been placed. All orders are final and no changes can be made to the order after submission.

Can I change my shipping address?
We cannot change the shipping address after an order has been placed. Doing so voids our protections against fraud and theft.

Can you take off the signature requirement for my package?
Unfortunately, we cannot waive the signature requirement for deliveries $100 and over. Carriers cannot waive signature requirements.

I could not place an order, but my account was charged. What happened to my order?
If the order did not successfully go through, the order was not placed. If you see a charge on your account, it is a pending hold that should clear with 24-48 hours.

I am a retailer who wants to carry 3 Wolves Streetwear apparel in my store, who should I contact?
Send an email to retail@3wlvs.com include your name, address, phone number and web site

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